
Cycling workout in Workouts

Tabata Interval Cycle Workout

Add this classic HIIT workout to your weekly schedule for a great cardiovascular boost! HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is...

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15 Mins All-Out Indoor Cycle HIIT Workout

Nothing better than a simple HIIT session for an all-out, incredible workout. Get ready to bring the heat with just...

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Giant Hill Climb Intervals Cycle Workout

You might be stuck inside on your indoor cycle bike, but that doesn’t mean you can’t surmount a giant hill...

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Indoor Cycle Full Throttle Cadence Focus

If you are new to cycling workouts, you should be aware of the importance of your pace. Pace is usually...

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15 Minute Cycle Bike Hill Climb Workout

Build your cardiovascular strength and endurance with this calorie burning 15 min hill climb workout. Follow along with Sunny Trainer...

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20 Min HIIT Cycle Bike Pyramid Interval

Sweat and cycle your way to a healthier and fit life as you work your way through 15 second, 30...

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MAX Effort Climb Intervals Cycling Workout

This workout will help you improve your cardiovascular performance while burning a significant amount of calories.

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20 Minute Sprint and Climb Interval Workout

Workout:   Overview: Perform this workout to promote maximum effort while varying riding positions and speeds for a complete calorie...

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Exercise Bike Sprint Intervals Workout

If sprinting on your exercise bike is new to you, this 20-minute bike sprint interval workout will be a good...

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Varied Cycling Bike Interval Workout

Workout:   Overview: Choosing to ride in different cycling positions on your exercise bike can be challenging if you’re not...

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