15-Minute Knee Friendly Lower Body

Join Coach Dee for a specialized workout session designed to condition and strengthen your knees.

2 min read


15-Minute Knee Friendly Lower Body




Ready to elevate your fitness game? Join Coach Dee for a specialized workout session designed to condition and strengthen your knees. This targeted session includes essential exercises like hip CARs, knee CARs, and B-stance squats to enhance flexibility, stability, and strength. Whether you're recovering from an injury or aiming to boost your performance, this workout is perfect for you!

Workout Length

15 Minutes

Workout Level


Products Used



Denise Cervantes


Workout Details:


A proper warm-up is crucial to prepare your body for the workout ahead. Coach Dee starts with a series of dynamic movements to get your blood flowing and muscles engaged.

  • Marching: Begin with a simple marching exercise. This movement warms up your legs and gets your heart rate up.
  • Toe & Heel Taps: Follow up with toe and heel taps to further engage your calves and ankles, improving your overall stability.
  • Top Half Squat to Toe Taps: This combination movement targets your quads and glutes, ensuring they are ready for the more intense exercises to come.


      Main Workout: Strengthen and Stabilize

        With your body warmed up, it's time to dive into the core of the workout. Coach Dee has crafted a series of exercises that focus on building strength and stability in your knees.

        • Pendulum Swing to Glute Kick Back: This exercise not only strengthens your glutes but also enhances your balance and coordination.
        • B-Stance Squat: A variation of the traditional squat, the B-stance squat targets one leg at a time, allowing for a deeper focus on each knee.
        • Duo B-Stance Squat: This variation adds an extra challenge by incorporating both legs, enhancing overall lower body strength.
        • Hip CAR: Controlled Articular Rotations (CARs) help improve the mobility and flexibility of your hips, which is crucial for knee health.
        • Knee CAR: Similar to hip CARs, knee CARs focus on the joint's range of motion, promoting better knee function and reducing injury risk.
        • Squat to Deadlift: Combining these two powerhouse moves, this exercise targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, providing a comprehensive lower body workout.
        • Glute Bridge: Strengthening your glutes is essential for knee stability. This exercise ensures your posterior chain is strong and supportive.
        • Figure Four Glute Bridge: Adding a twist to the standard glute bridge, this move further engages your hips and glutes, enhancing their strength and flexibility.



        After an intense workout, a proper cool down helps your muscles recover and reduces the risk of injury.



            This knee-strengthening workout by Coach Dee is designed to target the muscles and joints that support your knees. By incorporating a variety of movements, from dynamic warm-ups to controlled strength exercises, you'll enhance your knee stability, flexibility, and overall strength. Whether you're looking to recover from an injury, prevent future issues, or simply improve your performance, this workout is an excellent addition to your fitness routine.

            Join Coach Dee and take the first step towards stronger, healthier knees today!


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