
Full body in Workouts

Beginner Aerobic Step Workout | 20 Minutes

Join Sunny Trainer, James King III, as he guides you through this 20-minute beginner aerobic step routine. 

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#aerobic-step-workout #full-body

Intermediate Cycle Workout - Speed & Endurance | 20 Minutes

Join Sunny Trainer, Annelisa Moody, for a 20-minute intermediate cycle workout that combines speed, endurance, and hill intervals. 

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#cycling-workout #full-body

Beginner Interval Treadmill Workout | 20 Minutes

In this workout, Coach Sam Candler will guide you through a series of walk, jog, and run intervals, helping you...

2 min read
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#full-body #treadmill-workout

Intermediate Rowing Workout - High RPE | 15 Minutes

This 15-minute intermediate row, led by Sunny Trainer Alexa Lambarri has no recovery breaks until the cool down, this workout...

1 min read
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#full-body #rowing-workout