Mini Stepper Intermediate Workout - Circuit w/Dumbbells | 20 Minutes

Sunny Trainer, Wendie, will guide you through a series of exercises both on and off the mini-stepper, targeting your lower body, upper body, and core muscles.

2 min read


Mini Stepper Intermediate Workout - Circuit w/Dumbbells | 20 Minutes



Get ready to challenge your full-body strength with this 20-minute intermediate mini-stepper workout. Sunny Trainer, Wendie, will guide you through a series of exercises both on and off the mini-stepper, targeting your lower body, upper body, and core muscles. Grab your mini-stepper and dumbbells to maximize the benefits of this workout.


Workout Length 20 Minutes
Workout Level Intermediate
Product Used P2000
Trainer Wendie Weldon


Workout Details:

-Dynamic stretching to prepare your muscles for the workout.
-Toe taps with the mini-stepper to activate your lower body.
- Mini-stepper base pace to warm up further.
-Mini-stepper speed push to increase intensity.

Circuit 1:
-Mini-stepper base pace to start the first circuit.
-Increase the speed on the mini-stepper for an added challenge.
-Perform 3-2-1 squats on the mini-stepper, engaging your lower body muscles.
-Execute double pulse squats on the mini-stepper for an extra burn.

Circuit 2:
-Perform plié squats to target your inner thighs and glutes.
-Grab your dumbbells and perform bent-over rows to work your back muscles.
-Transition to a plank position to engage your core.
-Repeat plié squats to continue working your lower body.
-Perform bent-over rows again for upper body strength.
-Return to a plank position to challenge your core muscles once more.

Circuit 3:
-Mini-stepper base pace to begin the third circuit.
-Increase the speed on the mini-stepper for an added cardiovascular challenge.
-Perform 3-2-1 squats on the mini-stepper to target your lower body muscles.
-Execute double pulse squats on the mini-stepper for an extra burn.

Circuit 4:
-Grab your dumbbells and perform bicep curls to strengthen your arm muscles.
-Transition to alternating lunges to target your lower body.
-Engage your core with plank mountain climber twists.
-Repeat bicep curls to continue working your arms.
-Perform alternating lunges again to further challenge your lower body.
-Engage your core with plank mountain climber twists once more.

Circuit 5:
-Mini-stepper base pace to start the final circuit.
-Increase the speed on the mini-stepper for a last burst of intensity.
-Perform 3-2-1 squats on the mini-stepper, focusing on lower body strength.
-Execute double pulse squats on the mini-stepper for an intense lower body burn.
-Finish strong with a static squat hold on the mini-stepper.

-Stand and perform a quad stretch to relieve tension in your thighs. 2
-Perform a figure 4 stretch to release tension in your hips and glutes.

Congratulations on completing the 20-minute intermediate mini-stepper workout! You've challenged your full-body strength, targeting your lower body, upper body, and core muscles. Remember to cool down and stretch properly to aid in muscle recovery. Keep up the great work on your fitness journey!


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