Holiday Macro Guide: How To Enjoy Every Bite Without the Guilt

The holiday season can be a tough time for anyone who is trying to stick to their weight and body composition goals.

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Holiday Macro Guide: How To Enjoy Every Bite Without the Guilt

The holiday season can be a tough time for anyone who is trying to stick to their weight and body composition goals. The overwhelming amount of calorie-dense foods and large portion sizes available during the holiday season can make it difficult to practice moderation.

Don’t worry about not being able to eat your favorite foods this holiday. We’ve mapped out 5 simple principles you can practice, keeping yourself aligned with your personal health and fitness program.

Moderation Is Key: It can be difficult to stick to a strict diet plan, but this is where knowing your macronutrient goals can help. When you take the time to eat a little of your favorite foods, you won’t have to worry about backsliding on your workout progress.

Stick to Your Macros: In the perfect scenario, you would have a clue about the foods you will eat during the holiday. But that’s rarely the case. Avoid overeating by having a consumption goal for each macronutrient. We’ve created this simple macronutrient chart that shows an example of how you could plan your meals according to your needs.

Plan Ahead: Taking the time to estimate the amount of food you’ll eat will go a long way in helping to prevent overeating. If you’re planning to eat more on a holiday, you can adjust the macros you do eat before and after the big meals to balance your diet.

Alcohol Counts: Don’t forget that you can also drink your calories. It’s best to avoid these calories if you plan on enjoying the holiday feast. But, if you know you will be having a drink or two, decrease the macro totals for your meals to make room for the calories of alcohol consumption.

Damage Control: Its always helpful to overestimate the macros you have on you plate. In doing this, you’ll eat less after a holiday meal. But, if you do end of getting a bit out of control on the holiday treats, use the following days to lower your total macro amounts to offset the excessive eating.


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