Dealing with shoulder pain can be, well…a pain. Whether you have experienced a shoulder injury in the past, are currently rehabbing back to full health, or are trying to avoid future injury, giving special attention to your body’s most moveable joint can bring various benefits to both your daily activities and your time spent working out. In this article, learn how to care for your shoulder joints to experience strong and comfortable movement day after day.
Find Balance Between Stability and Mobility
The key to healthy shoulders is to prioritize a balance between stability and mobility in this joint. Your shoulder is a ball and socket joint, giving you a wide of range of motion that allows you to use your upper body efficiently. Given that it has so much freedom of movement, it can be more prone to injury when compared to your other joints. To mitigate this, it is vital to build stability in the shoulder joint through strength training. Important muscles to target are the deltoids, traps, and the rotator cuff muscles.
Conversely, tight and immobile shoulders can be a big problem as well. If you are unable to move your shoulder through its full range of motion, you may find that you are overcompensating in other areas. This is problematic as it can lead to injury, not only in the shoulder joint but also in other areas such as the upper back, neck, low back, or arms.
Ideally you will have a good balance between stability and mobility in your shoulder. You should be able to use your shoulder joint as intended, while also avoiding leaning into hypermobility and damaging your connective tissue. To achieve this, consider incorporating both mobility and strength exercises into your routine. Here are 5 to get you started!
1. Snow Angels
For this exercises you will need a foam roller or a rolled up large towel.
Lay on the roller or towel so that the length of your spine is supported. Extend your arms out to either side, and with your palms facing up slowly reach your arms overhead while the backs of your hands stay in contact with the mat (like you’re making a snow angel). Repeat this for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
2. Internal/External Rotation

For this exercise you will need a resistance band and a door anchor.
External Rotation: Anchor the resistance band to a door and hold the handle in one of your hands. Bring your elbow to a 90-degree angle as you face the band. Rotate your hand away from your torso as you maintain the 90-degree angle and your elbow pinned to your side. Slowly rotate back to the starting position. Repeat for 10-15 reps, 2-3 sets.
Internal Rotation: Anchor the resistance band in the same manner as above. Maintain the 90-degree angle at your elbow, but this time you will face in the opposite direction. Rotate your hand in towards your body as you maintain the 90-degree angle and your elbow pinned to your side. Slowly rotate back to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 reps, 2-3 sets.
3. Forearm Side Planks

This exercise does not require any equipment, but a yoga mat might make things feel more comfortable.
Stack your shoulder above your elbow, and your forearm perpendicular to your body. Lift your hips up and keep your feet either staggered or stacked on top of each other. Activate your core and work on staying lifted out of your shoulder joint. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
4. Child’s Pose

This exercise does not require any equipment, but a yoga mat might make things feel more comfortable.
Begin in tabletop position. Separate your knees apart and bring your big toes together as you sit your hips back to your heels. Reach your hands forward and let your head and chest fall between your arms. Keep your elbows lifted, arms extended, and your heart melting towards the ground.
5. Upright Row

For this exercise you will need two dumbbells.
Begin in a standing position, holding the weights in your hands and your palms facing towards your hips. Lift the dumbbells up to shoulder height as your elbows go wide. Slowly lower the weights back down and repeat 10-15 reps for 2-3 sets.
Reach Past Your Fitness Limitations
If you have ever felt limited by pain, tightness, or instability, giving your shoulders a little extra love in the form of strengthening and mobility might be just what your need. Focus on a good balance between stability and mobility and your shoulders will stay strong and mobile for years to come.