How to Achieve Fitness Goals with Sunny Shop by Goal

Shopping for the right fitness equipment can be a hassle, but we've made it simple by tailoring this process to your goals! Whatever your fitness goal is, Sunny's got your back with the new 'Shop by Goal' feature.

3 min read


How to Achieve Fitness Goals with Sunny Shop by Goal

Are you tired of putting fitness goals on the back burner? We’ve all been there - the excitement of setting a new goal, dreaming of a healthier, fresher version of yourself - all to break your promise to yourself mere days or weeks later. 

What if I told you, you could set a goal and master it? It is possible to establish self-control and dedication; and over time, form your fitness goals into healthy habits. With these tips, a little action, and the new Sunny ‘Shop by Goal’ feature help yourself achieve your fitness goals starting today! 


4 Tips to Achieve Your Fitness Goals 

Have you struggled to make your fitness goals a priority? With the tips below, I’ve made it simple. Find top tips I’ve used for myself and my clients to make those dream visions a reality. 


Set a Fitness Goal

Every good accomplishment starts with a goal in mind. If you don’t have a clear goal, it’s time to set one. 

Why do you work out? What do you want to be able to do in life? Fixate what’s important to you and use that to frame your goal. 

With what’s valuable to you at the forefront of your mission, your investment in your goal will skyrocket. It’s a recipe for success! 


Make a Plan

Once you have a goal it’s time to plan. A goal without action is just that, a goal. When you put action behind it you gain momentum as you start to take steps towards making your goal a reality. 

Your plan should be detailed. Create a calendar, and mark off the days of the week you plan to work out and even the times. 

Want an easy way to follow along with your plan? Download the SunnyFit® app and use our Training Plan feature to help you keep track of your progress. 


Get the Right Equipment 

You have your goal, you have a plan and now set yourself up for success with the right equipment. At Sunny, we have everything you could need to work towards strength gains, boost cardio performance, and any and everything in between. 

If you’re looking for something specific, we have the exercise bikestreadmillsellipticalsrowerssteppersstrength, and fitness accessories to get you there. 

But, if you have a specific goal in mind, the ‘Shop by Goal’ feature on the Sunny home page is a great feature to help you easily narrow down fitness equipment catered to your specific goals. If you’re interested in learning more, skip to the next section to learn how this feature can help you reach your fitness goals! 


Work Out with Purpose  

Finally, work out with purpose. If you have a goal to accomplish, completing your sessions with intention is essential for reaching your goals. 

Say goodbye to the days of plug and chug workouts. You know what I’m talking about - hopping mindlessly onto a recumbent bike or elliptical at the gym and diving into a magazine or a TV show. There’s a time and place for that, but when we have a goal to accomplish, we need to be a little more intentional. 

Listen to your body. Push yourself when you’re able, pull back when needed, and take note of your progress along the way so you can adjust your plan as you go and maintain a happy, healthy journey towards your goals. 


How Sunny Shop by Goal Makes it Easy to Achieve Your Fitness Goals 

Shopping for the right fitness equipment can be a hassle, but Sunny’s made it easier for you to shop with the new ‘Shop by Goal’ feature on the main page of the website. This feature allows you to shop with a specific goal in mind and takes all the thinking work out of it for you, putting you one step closer to your goals. 

Whether your goal is to lose weightget strongerincrease fitnessgain flexibilitymaster a skill, or just get moving we’ve got your back. Simply tap on the goal that best suits you and browse through equipment that matches your aspirations. From there, you’ll be able to filter by price, max user weight, tension system, and additional features. 


In Closing

Achieving your fitness goals doesn’t have to be complicated. Use the SunnyFit® app and the Shop by Goal feature on the Sunny website to help take the thinking out of it and start moving towards your goals today! 


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