20 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout

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a woman is pushing up in living room




In this beginner’s circuit, workout your entire body with no equipment needed! In just 20 minutes target muscles in your lower, body, upper body and cardio and burn tons of calories! Join Sunny Trainer Sydney from home and have a little fun as you work your way to fit.

Workout Length

20 Minutes

Workout Level



Sydney Bueckert



Mini Circuit #1
- 0:30 Punch & Crunch
- 0:10 rest
- 0:30 Double Pulse Squat
- 0:10 rest
- 0:30 Walkout to Shoulder Taps
 -0:10 rest
Repeat 3 times. Rest 30 seconds before moving on to Mini Circuit #2.

Mini Circuit #2
- 0:30 Runner’s Crunch
- 0:10 rest
- 0:30 Press Ups
- 0:10 rest
- 0:30 Pop Squats
- 0:10 rest
Repeat 3 times. Rest 30 seconds before moving on to Mini Circuit #3.

Mini Circuit #3
- 0:30 High Knees
- 0:10 rest
- 0:30 Side to Curtsy Lunge
- 0:10 rest
- 0:30 Commandos
- 0:10 rest
Repeat 3 times.


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