Mini Stepper Workout | Upper Body Supersets

This workout is great for those looking for a challenging workout that focuses more on upper body exercise using a mini stepper with bands.

0 min read


Sunny stepper with bands




This workout is great for those looking for a challenging workout that focuses more on upper body exercise using a mini stepper with bands. We advise that you attempt this workout with a bit more slack if the exercises in this workout are new to you. If any of the exercises are too difficult to perform for each superset during the workout, pause the video and adjust the length of your bands. Once you feel comfortable with the exercises, you can work on adding more tension in the resistance bands for an intensified workout. Perform controlled repetitions to ensure that you are engaging your core and the stepper remains in place during each exercise.



Superset #1
- Bent over Row – 10 reps
- Bicep Curls – 10 reps
(Rest 30 seconds)
Complete 3 sets

Superset #2
- Incline Chest Press – 10 reps
- Shoulder Press – 10 reps
(Rest 30 seconds)
Complete 3 sets

Superset #3
- Tricep Kickbacks – 10 reps
- Rear Delt Pulls – 10 reps
(Rest 30 seconds)
Complete 3 sets



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