15-Minute of Lower Body Workouts

This workout will guide you through three different circuits of lower body workouts, each varying in intensity and form, to help you achieve strong, powerful hips.

2 min read


15-Minute of Lower Body Workouts




The hip area plays a crucial role in overall strength and stability, influencing everything from athletic performance to everyday movements. A hip workout focuses on targeting the muscles around your hips, glutes, and lower back to enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance. This workout will guide you through three different circuits of lower body workouts, each varying in intensity and form, to help you achieve strong, powerful hips.

Workout Length

15 Minutes

Workout Level

All Levels

Products Used

SF-DB02; SF-EM02


Annelisa Moody


Workout Details:


To prepare your body for the workout ahead, we begin with a series of warm-up exercises:

  • Good Morning Squat: This exercise targets your lower back and hamstrings, setting the tone for a dynamic workout.
  • Deep Squat Hip Opener: A deep squat combined with a hip opener ensures your hips are fully engaged and ready for the exercises ahead.


    Circuit 1: Building a Strong Foundation

    • Goblet Squat: Hold a dumbbell at your chest and perform a squat, focusing on keeping your back straight and your core engaged. This exercise is excellent for your quads, glutes, and hamstrings.
    • Reverse Lunge: Step back into a lunge while holding dumbbells. This move challenges your balance and works your glutes and thighs.
    • Sumo Squats: With a wider stance, perform a squat holding a dumbbell. This variation targets your inner thighs and glutes.
      Cardio Burnout: Jump Squats: Finish the circuit with high-intensity jump squats to elevate your heart rate and burn extra calories.


    Circuit 2: Increasing Intensity

    • Split and Sumo Squats Combo: Combine split squats and sumo squats for a powerful lower body workout that targets multiple muscle groups.
    • Reverse Lunge to Curtsy Lunge: Transition from a reverse lunge to a curtsy lunge to engage your inner thighs and glutes.
    • Cardio Burnout: Mountain Climbers: Add a burst of cardio with mountain climbers to boost your heart rate and enhance endurance.


    Circuit 3: Maximizing Strength

    • Deadlifts: Holding dumbbells, perform deadlifts to strengthen your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.
    • Sidestep Squat: Step to the side and squat, focusing on engaging your glutes and thighs.
    • Glute Bridges: Lie on your back with your feet on the ground and lift your hips, squeezing your glutes at the top. This exercise is great for your glutes and lower back.
    • Burpees: End with a high-intensity cardio move to burn calories and enhance overall fitness.



    After an intense workout, it's crucial to cool down and stretch your muscles.

    • Arms Stretch: Stretch your arms to release tension and improve flexibility.
    • Legs Stretch: Focus on stretching your legs to prevent muscle tightness and soreness.
    • Deep Squat: Finish with a deep squat to stretch your hips and lower back



      Incorporate this hip-focused workout into your routine to enhance your lower body strength, stability, and overall fitness. With Coach Annelisa's expert guidance and the added resistance of dumbbells, you'll be well on your way to achieving stronger, more powerful hips.

      Ready to give it a try? Grab your dumbbells and join us for an invigorating lower body workout!


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