15 Minutes Treadmill INCLINE Workout

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or new to the treadmill, this workout is perfect for anyone looking to elevate their fitness and mood.

2 min read


15 Minutes Treadmill INCLINE Workout




Challenge yourself with this 15-minute treadmill run that’s designed to push your cardiovascular endurance and leave you feeling fantastic! We’ll start with some incline to get your heart pumping, then gradually increase the speed while lowering the incline to maximize calorie burn and enhance your endorphin levels. Focus on your breathing, let go of stress, and get ready to torch those calories in no time! Whether you’re a seasoned runner or new to the treadmill, this workout is perfect for anyone looking to elevate their fitness and mood.

Workout Length

15 Minutes

Workout Level

Beginner to Intermediate

Products Used



Sam Candler


Workout Details:


  • Walk to Jog: Start your workout with a gentle transition from walking to jogging. This phase is crucial for warming up your muscles and getting your heart rate up.


        Main Workout

          • 2% Incline: Increase the incline to 2% and maintain your jogging pace. This slight incline simulates outdoor running conditions, engaging your calves and glutes more effectively.
          • 4% Incline: Raise the incline further to 4%, pushing your cardiovascular system to work harder. Focus on your breathing and let your body adapt to the increased challenge.
          • Faster Jog with 3% Incline: Add speed while lowering the incline to 3%. This interval is about maintaining a faster pace while still working against gravity.
          • Increase Speed at 2% Incline: As you bring the incline back down to 2%, pick up your pace. This combination of lower incline and higher speed maximizes calorie burn.
          • 0% Incline, Max Speed: Flat out run with no incline. This is your opportunity to go all out, focusing on speed and intensity.
          • 5% Incline: Increase the incline to 5% and add speed. This is a challenging interval designed to build strength and endurance.
          • Walk at 4% Incline: Drop the speed back down to walking pace, but keep the incline high at 4%. This active recovery phase allows your heart rate to come down slightly while still keeping your muscles engaged.
          • Run at 4% Incline: Pick up the pace again, maintaining the incline. This phase continues to challenge your endurance.
          • Run at 3% Incline: Lower the incline to 3% and run at a steady pace. This is your final challenge before the cooldown.
          • Walking Recovery at 3% Incline: Reduce the speed to a walk and catch your breath. Allow your body to recover while still maintaining a slight incline.
          • Running Pace: Finish strong with a running pace before you cool down. Focus on maintaining good form and breathing.



            • Walk: Begin to wind down with a light walk, allowing your heart rate to gradually decrease.
            • Final Run at 5% Incline: End the workout with a brief, intense run at 5% incline. This final push helps to flush out any remaining lactic acid and leaves you feeling accomplished.



                This 15-minute treadmill challenge is an excellent way to boost your cardiovascular health, burn calories, and elevate your mood. Incorporate it into your routine a few times a week, and watch your endurance and fitness levels soar!


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