Cardio Row HIIT Workout

1 min read


a woman is rowing




This HIIT row workout is a great way to incorporate HIIT training into your rowing cardio program. The workout will take you through ten 1 minute long max effort rowing intervals. After each hard row you will have one minute to recover before the next hard row begins. A warmup and cool down period should always be performed prior to performing any HIIT training workout. During each hard rowing interval, you should focus on producing maximum power with each stroke. The focus should not be on a fast stroke rate. 30 strokes per minute would be a good stroke rate to aim for. If you have a rower that has adjustable resistance, keep the resistance at a moderate level.

Workout Length

20 Minutes

Products Used



Workout Details

- 2 Minute Warm Up Row

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 1 min recover

- 1 min. Hard row
- 2 min cool down


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