Senior Fit Workout - Bodyweight Strength & Stretch | 20 Minutes

This 20-minute Senior Fit Bodyweight Strength & Stretch workout by Sunny Trainer Denise Cervantes, is great for seniors who want to boost their physical and mental health.

2 min read


Senior Fit Workout - Bodyweight Strength & Stretch | 20 Minutes




This 20-minute Senior Fit Bodyweight Strength & Stretch workout by Sunny Trainer Denise Cervantes, is great for seniors who want to boost their physical and mental health. Denise gives clear instructions and modifications for all levels. It's a safe and effective way to improve strength, cardio, and mobility in your routine.


Workout Length

20 Minutes

Workout Level



Denise Cervantes



The warm-up consists of a series of exercises to get your blood flowing and your muscles warmed up. Denise leads you through the following exercises:

The warm-up consists of a series of exercises to get your blood flowing and your muscles warmed up. Denise leads you through the following exercises:

- Marching in place to get your heart rate up.
- Marching with arm circles to loosen up your shoulders.
- Marching forward and back for 4 with a clap to work on your coordination.
- Marching side to side for 4 with a clap to work on your balance.
- Shoulder rotations to loosen up your shoulder joints.
- Wrist rotations to loosen up your wrists.
- Elbow rotations to loosen up your elbow joints.
- Hip circles (hula) to loosen up your hips
- Stars to hugs to work on your balance and coordination.

The bodyweight strength portion of the workout consists of exercises to improve your lower body, upper body, and core strength. Denise leads you through the following exercises:

- Modified squats in B-Stance to work on your lower body strength and balance.
- Marches with a knee up to work on your lower body strength and balance
- Modified wall push-up or standing chest press to work on your upper body strength.
- Shoulder pressing overhead to work on your upper body strength.
- Inhale and exhale arms with a shallow squat (slow) to work on your core strength.
- Elbow raises with modified half-jack to work on your core strength and coordination.

Stretching: The stretching portion of the workout is designed to help you cool down and prevent injury. Denise leads you through the following stretches:

-Stretch out the chest and shoulders with wrist rotations.
-Standing hamstring stretch to stretch out your hamstrings.
-Modified runners lunge to stretch out your hip flexors.
-Neck rotations and side reaches with arms to stretch out your neck and shoulders.
-Stars and hugs to work on your balance and coordination.

In conclusion, this 20-minute Senior Fit Bodyweight Strength & Stretch workout is perfect for seniors who want to improve their physical and mental health. Denise provides clear instructions and modifications to make the workout accessible to all fitness levels. By incorporating this workout into your routine, you can improve your strength, cardiovascular health, and mobility in a safe and effective way.


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