15-Minute Lower Body Toning Workout

Tone and strengthen your inner and outer thighs and glutes with this amazing 15-minute lower body toning session.

0 min read


sportswoman lying on floor while making exercises for legs over grey background




Tone and strengthen your inner and outer thighs and glutes with this amazing 15-minute lower body toning session. Follow along as Sunny Trainer Sydney instructs you through this quick routine that will have you feeling the burn!

Workout Length

15 Minutes

Workout Level


Products Used

NO. 048


Sydney Bueckert



30 seconds of each exercise.
- Fire Hydrants
- Corner Kick
- Hot Cross Buns
- Around the World
- Complete all movements on the right side, before repeating on the left.

Side Kicks
- Inner Thigh Kick
- Complete all movements on the right side, before repeating on the left.

Glute Bridge
- Glute Bridge Hold
- Rest 60 seconds, repeat routine.


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