15 Minute Towel Pilates Workout

This workout combines traditional Pilates with advanced variations to enhance your strength, flexibility, and control.

2 min read


15 Minute Towel Pilates Workout




Join Mandee for a 15-minute Towel Pilates session designed to challenge and strengthen your body. This workout combines traditional Pilates with advanced variations to enhance your strength, flexibility, and control.

Workout Length

15 Minutes

Workout Level

All Levels


Mandee Miller


Begin with a warmup to prepare your body for the workout. Focus on controlled movements to gently increase your heart rate and loosen up your muscles.


Move into Chops, a dynamic exercise that engages your core and improves your overall strength and control. Use a towel to enhance the resistance and challenge your muscles.


Flossing combines flexibility and strength as you use the towel to guide your movements. This exercise helps to increase your range of motion and improve muscle coordination.

Criss Cross 

Perform the Criss Cross to target your obliques and core. This traditional Pilates move is enhanced with the towel to provide additional resistance and challenge.

Straight Leg Criss Cross 

Transition to the Straight Leg Criss Cross for a more advanced variation. Keep your legs straight to increase the difficulty and further engage your core muscles.


Move into the Bridge to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings. Use the towel to maintain proper form and add resistance to this classic Pilates exercise.

Single Leg Bridge 

Challenge your balance and strength with the Single Leg Bridge. Lift one leg off the ground while maintaining the bridge position, alternating sides to ensure balanced development.

Side Leg Swing (Left Side) 

Perform the Side Leg Swing on your left side to target your hip abductors and improve stability. Keep your movements controlled and focus on engaging your core.

Side Leg Lifts (Left Side) 

Follow with Side Leg Lifts on the left side to further engage your hip muscles. Use the towel for added resistance and control.

Side Leg Swing (Right Side) 

Switch to the right side for Side Leg Swings. Maintain control and focus on engaging your core and hip muscles.

Side Leg Lifts (Right Side) 

Complete Side Leg Lifts on the right side to ensure balanced muscle development. Keep your movements steady and controlled.

Trunk Extensions 

Perform Trunk Extensions to strengthen your back and improve posture. Use the towel to guide your movements and maintain proper form.

Towel Slide Stretches 

Finish with Towel Slide Stretches to cool down and increase flexibility. Use the towel to assist in deep, controlled stretches, focusing on your breathing and relaxation.

Congratulations on completing your 15-minute Towel Pilates session with Mandee! This workout has challenged your strength, flexibility, and control with a combination of traditional Pilates moves and advanced variations. Incorporate this routine into your regular fitness schedule to enhance your overall body strength and flexibility. Remember to stay hydrated, refuel with nutritious foods, and prioritize recovery for optimal results. Great job!

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