20 Min Dumbbell GLUTE FOCUSED Bench Workout

A fun and effective dumbbell glute bench workout to strengthen and tone your lower body.

3 min read


20 Min Dumbbell GLUTE FOCUSED Bench Workout



Join Brittany for a fun and effective dumbbell glute bench workout! This routine starts with goblet squats to activate your glutes, followed by dumbbell deadlifts and curtsy lunges to keep things dynamic. Repeating this sequence ensures you feel the burn. Challenge your balance and strength with pistol squats and single-leg deadlifts, then finish strong with step-ups. This engaging workout will leave you feeling strong and accomplished!

Workout Length

15 minutes

Workout Level

All Levels

Products Used

SF-BH6996 ;  SF-DB02


Brittany Noelle

Goblet Squats 

Begin with Goblet Squats to fire up your glutes. Hold a dumbbell close to your chest and perform a squat, focusing on keeping your back straight and pushing through your heels. This exercise activates your glutes and prepares you for the workout ahead.

Dumbbell Deadlifts 

Transition to Dumbbell Deadlifts to engage your hamstrings and glutes. Hold a pair of dumbbells in front of your thighs, hinge at your hips, and lower the weights towards the ground while keeping your back straight. Return to standing by squeezing your glutes.

Curtsy Lunges 

Next, perform Curtsy Lunges to target your glutes and inner thighs. Step one leg behind the other in a curtsy motion and lower your body into a lunge. Alternate sides to ensure balanced development.

Repeat Sequence

Goblet Squats 

Repeat Goblet Squats to continue activating your glutes. Focus on maintaining good form and engaging your core.

Dumbbell Deadlifts 

Return to Dumbbell Deadlifts to strengthen your hamstrings and glutes. Keep your movements controlled and focus on squeezing your glutes at the top.

Curtsy Lunges 

Perform Curtsy Lunges again to target your glutes and inner thighs. Maintain a steady rhythm and ensure proper form.

Repeat Sequence Again

Goblet Squats 

Repeat Goblet Squats for a third time to ensure your glutes are fully activated. Focus on your breathing and maintaining good form.

Dumbbell Deadlifts 

Return to Dumbbell Deadlifts to continue building strength in your hamstrings and glutes. Keep your back straight and movements controlled.

Curtsy Lunges 

Perform Curtsy Lunges once more to fully engage your glutes and inner thighs. Alternate sides and maintain good form.

Pistol Squats 

Challenge your balance and strength with Pistol Squats. Stand on one leg, extend the other leg forward, and lower your body into a squat. Use a bench for support if needed. Alternate legs to ensure balanced development.

Single-Leg Deadlifts 

Strengthen your hamstrings and glutes with Single-Leg Deadlifts. Stand on one leg, hinge at your hips, and lower the weight towards the ground while extending the other leg behind you. Return to standing by squeezing your glutes. Alternate legs for balanced development.

Step Ups 

Finish with Step Ups for a final power push. Step onto a bench with one leg, driving through your heel, and bring the other leg up to stand on the bench. Alternate legs to ensure balanced development and maximize your glute engagement.

Repeat Sequence

Pistol Squats 

Return to Pistol Squats to continue challenging your balance and strength. Focus on maintaining control and proper form.

Single-Leg Deadlifts 

Perform Single-Leg Deadlifts again to strengthen your hamstrings and glutes. Keep your movements controlled and alternate legs.

Step Ups 

Finish with Step Ups for another round to fully engage your glutes. Maintain a steady pace and focus on driving through your heels.

Final Round

Pistol Squats 

Complete a final round of Pistol Squats to ensure balanced strength development. Focus on control and proper form.

Single-Leg Deadlifts 

Perform Single-Leg Deadlifts one last time to fully engage your hamstrings and glutes. Alternate legs and maintain control.

Step Ups 

Finish strong with a final set of Step Ups. Push through your heels and maintain a steady pace to fully engage your glutes and finish the workout on a high note.


Congratulations on completing your dumbbell glute bench workout with Brittney! By targeting your glutes with exercises like goblet squats, deadlifts, curtsy lunges, pistol squats, single-leg deadlifts, and step-ups, you've worked to strengthen and tone your lower body. Incorporate this routine into your regular fitness schedule to maintain and enhance your glute strength. Remember to stay hydrated, refuel with nutritious foods, and prioritize recovery for optimal results. Great job!


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