20 Min Full Body Dumbbell Bench Workout

This full-body workout targets your upper body, lower body, and core, helping you build strength and boost your heart rate in just 20 minutes.

4 min read


20 Min Full Body Dumbbell Bench Workout



This full-body workout targets your upper body, lower body, and core, helping you build strength and boost your heart rate in just 20 minutes. You can adjust the intensity by changing the number of repetitions or incorporating medium weights for an added challenge.

Workout Length

20 Minutes

Workout Level

All Levels

Products Used

SF-BH6996 ;  SF-DB02


Annelisa Moody


Workout Details:

Warm Up

Prepare your body for the workout with a comprehensive warm-up routine.

Shoulder Rolls 

Begin with Shoulder Rolls to loosen up your shoulders and upper back. Stand tall with arms by your sides, roll your shoulders forward and backward in a circular motion. Focus on increasing mobility and circulation in your upper body.

Air Squats 

Engage your lower body with Air Squats. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat position by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Keep your chest lifted and arms extended in front of you. This movement primes your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes for the exercises ahead.

Round 1

Focus on upper body strength and core stability in the first round of exercises.

Bicep Curls + Wide Curls 

Target your biceps with Bicep Curls and Wide Curls. Perform traditional bicep curls followed by wide curls, alternating between both variations to challenge different muscle fibers. Use medium weights to increase resistance and intensity.

Triceps Extensions 

Isolate your triceps with Triceps Extensions. Hold a dumbbell overhead with both hands, lower the weight behind your head, and extend your arms upward. Focus on controlled movements to strengthen and define your triceps.

Chest Press 

Strengthen your chest muscles with Chest Press. Lie on a bench or mat with dumbbells in hand, extend your arms upward, and lower the weights towards your chest. Press back up to complete one repetition. Adjust weights for optimal challenge.

Single Arm Row (R) & Single Arm Row (L) 

Focus on your back muscles with Single Arm Rows. Support your body with one hand and knee on a bench, row a dumbbell towards your waist, keeping your back straight. Alternate sides to target both sides evenly.

Goblet Squat 

Engage your lower body with Goblet Squats. Hold a dumbbell vertically against your chest, lower into a squat position, and push through your heels to return to standing. This exercise targets your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

Reverse Lunges 

Improve lower body strength and balance with Reverse Lunges. Stand with feet hip-width apart, step back with one foot, lower your back knee towards the ground, and return to standing. Alternate legs to target both sides equally.

Shoulder Press 

Enhance shoulder strength with Shoulder Press. Hold dumbbells at shoulder height, press weights overhead, and lower them back to shoulder height. Maintain a stable core and controlled breathing throughout.

Russian Twists

Engage your core with Russian Twists. Sit on the ground, lean back slightly, lift your feet off the ground, and twist your torso from side to side, touching the dumbbell to the ground beside your hips. This exercise targets your obliques and improves rotational strength.

Round 2

Continue to challenge your muscles with the second round of exercises.

Repeat Bicep Curls + Wide Curls 

Revisit Bicep Curls and Wide Curls to maintain upper body strength and endurance. Focus on maintaining proper form and maximizing muscle engagement with each repetition.

Repeat Triceps Extensions 

Continue to strengthen your triceps with Triceps Extensions. Emphasize full range of motion and controlled movements to maximize muscle contraction and growth.

Repeat Chest Press 

Revisit Chest Press to further enhance chest muscle strength and endurance. Adjust weights as needed to maintain challenge and progression.

Repeat Single Arm Row (R) & Single Arm Row (L) 

Continue to target your back muscles with Single Arm Rows. Focus on maintaining proper form and engaging your back muscles fully with each repetition.

Repeat Goblet Squat 

Revisit Goblet Squats to strengthen your lower body muscles. Focus on maintaining proper squatting form and engaging your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes effectively.

Repeat Reverse Lunges 

Continue to improve lower body strength and balance with Reverse Lunges. Focus on controlled movements and maintaining balance throughout each repetition.

Repeat Shoulder Press 

Revisit Shoulder Press to maintain shoulder strength and stability. Focus on proper form and controlled breathing to maximize effectiveness.

Repeat Russian Twists 

Engage your core and improve rotational strength with Russian Twists. Focus on twisting from your torso while maintaining stability and control throughout the exercise.

Cool Down

Conclude your workout with a relaxing cool-down to promote recovery and flexibility.

Arm Circles 

Perform Arm Circles to gently stretch and relax your shoulder muscles. Stand tall, extend your arms to the sides, and make small circles in a forward and backward motion to release tension.

Quad Stretch 

Finish with a Quad Stretch to elongate and relax your quadriceps muscles. Stand tall, bend one knee, and gently pull your heel towards your glutes. Hold the stretch and switch sides to stretch both legs evenly.


Congratulations on completing your 20-minute full-body workout! By targeting your upper body, lower body, and core with effective exercises, you've built strength, boosted your heart rate, and maximized your workout time. Incorporate this routine into your weekly schedule to maintain and progress your fitness goals. Remember to listen to your body, adjust weights and repetitions as needed, and prioritize proper nutrition and hydration for optimal recovery and results.


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