20 Minute Mobility and Core Training

These exercises are designed to prep and prime your body before your main workout, or it can be used as part of your mobility routine with emphasis on strengthening your abs and on isolating your obliques.

4 min read


20 Minute Mobility and Core Training




Target your core and mobilize your entire body with this 20-minute activation workout. These exercises are designed to prep and prime your body before your main workout, or it can be used as part of your mobility routine with emphasis on strengthening your abs and on isolating your obliques. This is perfect for all levels of fitness as modifications are provided for beginners, and more advanced options are provided for the seasoned workout enthusiast.

Workout Length

20 Minutes

Workout Level

All levels

Products Used



Christian Stallings


Workout Details:


  • Lateral Lunge with Reach: Start by stepping out to the side into a lunge position, keeping your chest up and your core engaged. As you lunge, reach your arms overhead for a full-body stretch. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This move activates your legs, glutes, and core while improving lateral mobility.
  • Squat with Knee Drive: Perform a standard squat, but as you rise, drive one knee up towards your chest. This exercise not only warms up your lower body but also engages your core and hip flexors.
  • Plank Walk-Out: Begin in a standing position, then bend forward to place your hands on the ground. Walk your hands out into a plank position, hold for a moment, and then walk your hands back to your feet and stand up. This move activates your core, shoulders, and hamstrings.


            Round 1

            • Cross Jacks: Similar to jumping jacks, but with a twist—cross your legs and arms as you jump. This variation engages your inner thighs and works your core.
            • Shuffle to Toe Tap: Get into an athletic stance and shuffle to the side. As you stop, tap your opposite hand to your opposite foot. This move improves coordination, balance, and core engagement.
            • Hollow Body Hold: Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended. Lift your arms, legs, and head off the ground, engaging your core to hold the position. This exercise strengthens the entire core, focusing on the lower abs.
            • Bicycles: Lying on your back, bring your knees to your chest and alternate extending each leg while bringing the opposite elbow to the knee. This classic move targets the obliques and the entire abdominal area.

              Round 2:

              Repeat the same exercises from Round 1 to reinforce core activation and keep your heart rate up. This repetition builds endurance and ensures your muscles are fully engaged.

              Dumbbell Rounds: Adding Resistance for Strength

              • Weighted Negative Sit-Ups: Hold a dumbbell against your chest as you perform slow, controlled sit-ups. Focus on the downward movement to engage your abs deeply.
              • Reverse Crunches: Lie on your back with your legs extended. Lift your hips off the ground, curling your legs toward your chest. This move targets the lower abs.
              • Plank Dumbbell Carry: Get into a plank position with a dumbbell in each hand. Lift one dumbbell and move it to the side, alternating sides. This exercise strengthens your core, shoulders, and arms.

              Oblique Focus: Side Core Strength

              • Side Plank with Rocking: Get into a side plank position, then gently rock forward and back. This movement increases the challenge for your obliques while maintaining stability.
              • Half-Plank Jack: Start in a half-plank position (knees on the ground), and perform a jack movement with your legs. This exercise engages your core and obliques while adding a cardio element.
              • Russian Twist with Dumbbell: Sit on the ground with your feet slightly off the floor, holding a dumbbell with both hands. Twist your torso from side to side, engaging your obliques and improving rotational strength.
              • Elbow-to-Knee Crunch: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Bring one elbow to the opposite knee, crunching your obliques. Alternate sides to ensure balanced strength.

              Core Challenge: Finishing Strong

              • Sprawls: From a standing position, drop into a plank and then quickly return to standing. This explosive movement engages your entire body and spikes your heart rate.
              • 3-Way Mountain Climbers: In a plank position, alternate bringing your knees towards your chest, across your body, and out to the sides. This variation on the classic mountain climber targets your core from every angle.


              Conclude your workout with a cooldown to help your muscles recover and reduce soreness. Stretching is key to maintaining flexibility and preventing injuries.



              This 20-minute activation workout is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their core strength and overall mobility. Whether you're using it as a warm-up or a full workout, the combination of dynamic exercises and focused core work will leave you feeling strong and energized.


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