Advanced High Incline Interval Walking Treadmill Workout

Strengthen and tone your legs and build your cardiovascular system with this advanced 30-minute incline walking workout you can do on your treadmill at home!.

2 min read


Advanced High Incline Interval Walking Treadmill Workout




Strengthen and tone your legs and build your cardiovascular system with this advanced 30-minute incline walking workout you can do on your treadmill at home! Follow along with Sunny Trainer Sydney as you challenge yourself through 15 levels of incline. If you’ve mastered incline treadmill walking, then this workout is everything you need to push your fitness to new heights!



- Warmup: Speed 2.5 MPH – 90 seconds
- Warmup: Speed 3.5 MPH – 30 seconds
- Warmup: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 4 – 30 seconds
- Warmup: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 6 – 60 seconds

- Set 1: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 60 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 10 – 60 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 12 – 60 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 14 – 60 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 12 – 60 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 10 – 60 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 60 seconds
- Set 1: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds

- Challenge: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 15 – 30 seconds
- Challenge: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 15 – 30 seconds
- Challenge: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 15 – 30 seconds
- Challenge: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 15 – 30 seconds
- Challenge: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 15 – 30 seconds
- Challenge: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 15 – 30 seconds
- Challenge: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 15 – 30 seconds
- Challenge: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 15 – 60 seconds

- Set 2: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 60 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 10 – 60 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 12 – 60 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 14 – 60 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 12 – 60 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 10 – 60 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 2 MPH, Incline 0-4 – 30 seconds
- Set 2: Speed 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 60 seconds

- Cooldown: Speed: 3-3.5 MPH, Incline 0 – 90 seconds



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