Beginner Treadmill Walking Workout - Interval Incline | 20 Minutes

Try this 20-minute incline treadmill walk led by Sunny Trainer, Mara.

2 min read


Beginner Treadmill Walking Workout - Interval Incline | 20 Minutes




Looking for a beginner-friendly workout that can improve your cardiovascular fitness and stamina? Try this 20-minute incline treadmill walk led by Sunny Trainer, Mara. With intervals of varying inclines, this workout challenges your body both physically and mentally. Lace up your sneakers, and let's get started!


Workout Length

20 minutes

Workout Level


Product Used



Mara Magistad


Workout Details:

Begin with a warm-up walk at 2-3 MPH. This should feel brisk but doable. Get your body and mind ready for the workout ahead. Focus on your breathing and imagine the energy flowing throughout your body.


8% incline: This is a steep incline but stay strong. Imagine you're climbing a hill and think about the view from the top.

2% incline (Recovery): Recover and catch your breath with this flat interval. You've got this!

7% incline: Feel your heart rate rising as you tackle this incline. Think about the progress you're making towards your fitness goals.

2% incline (Recovery): Keep pushing through this flat interval. Imagine yourself walking on a beautiful trail, surrounded by nature.

6% incline: Another steep incline, but you're stronger than you think. Imagine the feeling of accomplishment you'll have at the end of the workout.

2% incline (Recovery): Keep your pace steady and your mind focused. Imagine your favorite motivational quote or mantra.

6% incline: This incline is challenging, but remember that every step counts. Focus on the feeling of your muscles working.

2% incline (Recovery): Use this flat interval to recover and prepare for the next incline. Imagine yourself walking on a beach with the waves crashing in the distance.

5% incline: You're halfway through the workout. You're stronger and more capable than you were before. Keep going!

2% incline (Recovery): Keep your pace steady and focus on your form. Imagine yourself walking towards your fitness goals.

5% incline: You're almost there! Push through this incline and imagine the feeling of accomplishment you'll have at the end of the workout.

2% incline (Recovery): Use this flat interval to recover and catch your breath. Imagine yourself walking through a peaceful forest.

4% incline: You're almost at the finish line! Stay strong and focus on the feeling of success you'll have at the end of the workout.

8% or steeper: This is the final challenge. Dig deep and give it your all. Imagine yourself crossing the finish line of a race.

Once you've completed the final interval, it's time to cool down. Lower the incline back to 0% and gradually decrease your speed to a slow walk, around 2-3 MPH. Take this time to let your heart rate come down gradually and to stretch your muscles. Try to hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds and focus on breathing deeply.

By following this 20-minute incline treadmill walk workout and cooling down with some stretching exercises, you'll improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance. And remember, consistency is key - aim to complete this workout 2-3 times a week to see the best results.


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I have saved this to my library, will use it every morning. After a couple days I have added 1% to the incline. Thanks for a real beginner treadmill workout.

Kevin Osieczanek

Great workout, great motivation as well!