DB Strength Series - Class 1 - Beginner Dumbbell Strength Foundations | 20 Minutes

If you're a beginner looking to add some strength training to your routine, this 20-minute dumbbell workout with Dominique Waninger is the perfect place to start.

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DB Strength Series - Class 1 - Beginner Dumbbell Strength Foundations | 20 Minutes



Are you ready to start building your strength? If you're a beginner looking to add some strength training to your routine, this 20-minute dumbbell workout with Dominique Waninger is the perfect place to start!


Workout Length


Workout Level


Products Used

NO. 021-PAIR


Dominique Waninger


Workout Details:

Before we dive into the workout, it's important to properly warm up. Dominique leads you through a 2-minute warm-up that includes squats, squat pulses, staggered squats, staggered squat pulses, inchworms, and downward dog + plank. This will help get your heart rate up and your muscles ready for the workout ahead. Now, let's get to the workout!

Dominique demonstrates the exercises you'll be doing in the workout. Pay attention to her form and make sure you understand how to perform each exercise correctly before starting the workout.

Upper Body Superset: This superset targets your biceps, triceps, and shoulders. Start with a moderate weight dumbbell that challenges you but allows you to complete each exercise with proper form.
-Hammer Curl + Overhead press (40 Seconds)
-Rest (20 Seconds)
-Overhead Tricep Extensions (40 Seconds)
-Rest (20 Seconds)
*Repeat 3 total times

-Rest (1 Minute)

Lower Body Superset: This superset targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Again, start with a moderate weight dumbbell and focus on proper form throughout each exercise.
-Single Staggered Squats (40 Seconds)
-Rest (20 Seconds)
-Sumo 4-0-1 (40 Seconds)
-Rest (20 Seconds)
*Repeat 3 total times

Rest (1 Minute)

Core Superset: This superset targets your abs and obliques. Use a dumbbell that challenges you but allows you to maintain proper form. 
-Weighted Crunches (40 Seconds)
-Rest (20 Seconds)
-Modified Plank Pull Through (40 Seconds)
-Rest (20 Seconds)
*Repeat 3 total times

Once you've completed the core superset, you're done! Make sure to cool down and stretch after the workout to help prevent injury and promote recovery.

In just 20 minutes, you've completed a beginner dumbbell strength foundations workout that will help you start building your strength. Congrats!

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