Low Impact Full Body EMOM Workout

This low impact full-body workout is everything you need to get a great full-body workout today! So, drop everything, and let’s get a great 30-minute sweat in.

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a lady is doing mountain climbing exercise




This low impact full-body workout is everything you need to get a great full-body workout today! So, drop everything, and let’s get a great 30-minute sweat in. This low-impact Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) workout is easy on the joints and designed to target your entire body.

Workout Length

30 Minutes

Workout Level


Products Used

NO. 074


Sydney Bueckert



Minute 1: 15x Sumo Squats
Minute 2: 10x Shoulder Taps (each side)
Minute 3: 6x Back Lunge to Curtsy (each side)
Minute 4: 10x Knee Pushups
*Repeat 3 times!
- 1 min Plank

Rest 1 min
Minute 1: 8x Modified Burpees
Minute 2: 8x Mountain Climber to Kickback (each side)
Minute 3: 8x Side Lunge with Knee Drive (each side)
Minute 4: 8x Dolphin Pushups
*Repeat 3 times!
- 1 min Plank



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1 comment

Jill Franke

Great job!