Tabata Snack Series: Back & Biceps Workout | 5 Minutes

Get ready for an upper body workout with Coach Sam's 5-Minute Back & Biceps routine.

1 min read


Tabata Snack Series: Back & Biceps Workout | 5 Minutes



Get ready for an upper body workout with Coach Sam Candler's 5-Minute Back & Biceps routine! This workout is part of Sam's mini Tabata series, so if you're up for the challenge, you can stack it with other classes in the series for an incredible full-body workout. Grab your dumbbells and let's get started!

Workout Length


Workout Level

Any Level

Products Used

NO. 021-PAIR


Sam Candler



-Warm-up: Start the workout by performing forward reaches and retractions to prepare your muscles for the upcoming exercises.

-Dumbbell Rows: Perform rows for 20 seconds, focusing on your back muscles. If needed, you can modify the exercise by using one hand while stabilizing with the other.


-Bicep Curls: Grab your dumbbells and perform bicep curls for 20 seconds, targeting your biceps.


-Dumbbell Rows: Continue with rows for another 20 seconds, engaging your back muscles.


-Bicep Curls: Go back to bicep curls for 20 seconds, focusing on building strength and definition in your biceps.


-Dumbbell Rows: Perform rows once again for 20 seconds, targeting your back muscles and improving your posture.


-Bicep Curls: Continue with bicep curls for 20 seconds, maximizing the burn in your biceps.


-Dumbbell Rows: Engage your back muscles and perform rows for 20 seconds.


-Bicep Curls: Finish strong with a final round of bicep curls for 20 seconds, giving your biceps an extra push.

-Stretch: To cool down, stretch your arms by crossing one arm across your body, helping to release tension and improve flexibility.

Hoped you enjoyed this quick and effective back & biceps workout! Strengthen your upper body, sculpt your muscles, and feel the burn in just 5 minutes. Remember, you can find the full workout video by clicking the link in the description. Let's get started and achieve those fitness goals together!


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