15 Min Bodyweight Core Workout for Sculpted Abs

A variety of crunches, twists, hip raises, and plank holds, this workout is specifically designed to target and strengthen your core muscles.

2 min read


15 Min Bodyweight Core Workout for Sculpted Abs




Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Look no further than our bodyweight core workout led by the Sunny trainer, Shira Math. Say goodbye to mundane workouts and hello to a session that will leave you feeling empowered, revitalized, and closer to your fitness goals.

Workout Length

15 Minutes

Workout Level

All Levels


Shira Math

Incorporating a variety of crunches, twists, hip raises, and plank holds, this workout is specifically designed to target and strengthen your core muscles. Each exercise is carefully selected to challenge your midsection, helping you sculpt those abs you’ve been dreaming of.

Core Bracing: Start the session by engaging your core with controlled breathing and bracing techniques. This foundational exercise sets the tone for the rest of the workout, ensuring maximum effectiveness and safety.

Dead Bugs: Transition into dead bugs, a dynamic movement that targets your abdominal muscles while also engaging your stabilizing muscles. Focus on controlled movements and proper form to maximize the benefits.

Bicycle Crunches: Next up, get ready to feel the burn with bicycle crunches. This classic exercise is excellent for targeting both the upper and lower abs, helping you achieve that coveted six-pack.

Russian Twists: Engage your obliques and improve rotational strength with Russian twists. Keep your core engaged and your movements controlled as you twist from side to side.

Bicycles: Continue to challenge your core with bicycles, alternating between twisting and extending your legs. Focus on maintaining proper form and breathing rhythmically throughout the movement.

Knee Resistance Press: Add resistance to your core workout with knee resistance presses. This exercise targets your lower abs and hip flexors, helping you build strength and stability.

Side Hip Raises: Shift your focus to the side of your core with side hip raises. This exercise strengthens the obliques and helps improve hip stability, enhancing your overall core strength.

Side Plank Hold: Challenge your balance and stability with a side plank hold. Focus on maintaining a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core muscles throughout the hold.

Beast Pose: Finish strong with beast pose, a full-body exercise that targets your core, shoulders, and legs. Keep your core engaged and your movements controlled as you transition between positions.

Congratulations on completing our dynamic bodyweight core workout! By incorporating these exercises into your fitness routine, you’ll not only strengthen and tone your core muscles but also improve your overall stability and balance. Remember to listen to your body, stay hydrated, and enjoy the journey towards a stronger, healthier you. Stay tuned for more empowering workouts from Shira Math, and don’t forget to share your progress with us!



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