15 Min Step & Sculpt - Aerobics Step Workout

This 15-minute aerobic step and standing core workout is perfect for all fitness levels and requires just a step platform.

3 min read


15 Min Step & Sculpt - Aerobics Step Workout




Are you looking for a quick and effective way to boost your energy and tone your body? Look no further! This 15-minute aerobic step and standing core workout is perfect for all fitness levels and requires minimal equipment – just a step platform and your awesome self. Get ready to feel the burn and enjoy the benefits of this dynamic routine.

Workout Length

15 minutes

Workout Level


Products Used

Aerobic Step NO. 049


James King III


Workout Details


Light Jog In-Place
Begin your workout with a light jog in place. This will get your blood flowing and prepare your muscles for the exercises ahead.

Step Aerobics

Step up onto your platform, alternating legs. This simple yet effective move will elevate your heart rate and start working your lower body.

Step-Ups with Under Thigh Clap
Add a clap under your thigh as you step up. This variation engages your core and adds a fun twist to the basic step-up.

Sidestep Overs to High Knees
Step sideways over your platform and bring your knees up high. This move increases coordination and strengthens your legs.

Corner-to-Corner Steps with Forearm to Thigh Tap with Step Back
Step from corner to corner of your platform, tapping your forearm to your thigh and stepping back. This dynamic movement targets your legs and core.

Corner-to-Corner Steps with Forearm to Thigh Tap
Continue the corner-to-corner steps, but focus on tapping your forearm to your thigh without the step back. This variation keeps the intensity high.

Step-Up to Two-Way AB March
Step up and march in place, bringing your knees up high. This move engages your core and keeps your heart rate up.

Standing Core Workout

Squat Oblique Crunches
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down. As you stand up, bring your elbow to your opposite knee, engaging your obliques.

Wood Chops
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold your hands together. Mimic a wood-chopping motion, bringing your hands from above your head to down by your opposite knee. This powerful move targets your core.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and make circular motions with your upper body. This move engages your core muscles and improves flexibility.

Standing Bicycles
Bring your opposite elbow to your knee, alternating sides in a controlled bicycle motion. This move is great for your obliques and overall core strength.

Lunge Hold with a Twist (Foot on Step)
Place one foot on your step platform and lunge down. Hold the position and twist your torso towards your elevated leg. This move enhances balance and core strength.

Cool Down

Calf Stretch
Stand on your step platform and stretch your calves. This cool-down move helps prevent soreness and increases flexibility.

Deep Lunge Stretch
Finish your workout with a deep lunge stretch. This move targets your hip flexors and helps you relax after a high-energy workout.

Benefits of This Workout

1. Time-Efficient: In just 15 minutes, you can complete a full-body workout that combines cardio and strength training.

2. No Special Equipment Needed: All you need is a step platform, making this workout accessible and easy to do anywhere.

3. Suitable for All Fitness Levels: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, you can adjust the intensity of each move to suit your fitness level.

4. Boosts Cardiovascular Health: The aerobic steps elevate your heart rate, improving your cardiovascular fitness.

5. Strengthens Core Muscles: The standing core exercises target your abs and obliques, helping you build a strong, stable core.

6. Improves Coordination and Balance: The dynamic movements enhance your coordination and balance, contributing to overall fitness and injury prevention.

7. Fun and Engaging: With a variety of moves and combinations, this workout keeps you motivated and engaged from start to finish.

Give this 15-minute aerobic step and standing core workout a try and feel the difference it can make in your day. It's quick, effective, and designed to leave you feeling energized and accomplished. Grab your step platform and get ready to sweat!


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