25-Minute Cycling Interval Workout

This 25-minute Cycling Interval Ride will have your legs and lungs burning in no time! This high-intensity circuit is a must-try and will take you through all the muscle movements needed to get a killer workout.

1 min read


25-Minute Cycling Interval Workout




This 25-minute Cycling Interval Ride will have your legs and lungs burning in no time! This high-intensity circuit is a must-try and will take you through all the muscle movements needed to get a killer workout.

Workout Length

25 minutes

Workout Level


Products Used



Ashton Roark


Workout Details


 -  Standing On Flat



 -  Out of Saddle - Under 80 RPM - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - Under 80 RPM - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - Increase Resistance - 60 Seconds

 -  Out of Saddle - 80 RPM or Under - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - 80 RPM or Under - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - Resistance 8 - 9 60 RPM Only - 60 Seconds

 -  Out of Saddle - Resistance 8 - 9 60 RPM only - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - Resistance 8 - 9 60 RPM only - 60 Seconds

 -  Out of Saddle - Resistance 8 - 9 60 RPM only - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - Drop Resistance - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - Add Resistance - 60 Seconds

 -  In The Saddle - Drop Resistance - 60 Seconds

 -  Drop All Resistance - Keep Close to 110 RPM - 60 Seconds

 -  Drop All Resistance - Drop Down to 60 RPM - 60 Seconds



 -  Stretch - 60 Seconds


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