Revitalize Your Energy with This 20-Minute Yoga Flow: A Sunny Mat Workout

Follow along as Claire guides you through a sequence designed to leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.

2 min read


Revitalize Your Energy with This 20-Minute Yoga Flow: A Sunny Mat Workout




Discover the ultimate energy-boosting yoga routine with Claire Jenkins on your Sunny Mat! In just 20 minutes, you'll rejuvenate your spirit and build heat in this all-levels workout. Follow along as Claire guides you through a sequence designed to leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.


Workout Length

18 Minutes

Workout Level

Any Level


Claire Jenkins



1. The Perfect Start

The session begins with Sukhasana, a comfortable seated pose, and Three-Part Breath to help center your mind and body. This breathwork technique helps oxygenate your body and bring focus to your practice, setting the tone for the energizing flow that follows.

2. Loosen Up and Engage

Transitioning into Cactus Pose and Torso Rotations, you'll begin to loosen up and engage your muscles. These movements help open your chest, shoulders, and hips, preparing your body for deeper stretches and poses.

3. Enhancing Flexibility

Moving into Runner’s Lunge Hip Circles, you'll enhance flexibility and mobility in your hips. This dynamic movement warms up your lower body, allowing for a smoother transition into more intense poses later in the session.

4. Engage Your Core

The Tabletop Pose engages your core muscles, building strength and stability in your abdominal region. This foundational pose sets the stage for a strong and balanced practice.

5. Flow and Stretch

The heart of the session involves flowing through a sequence that includes Forward Fold, Mountain Pose, Side Body Stretch, and more. This flow not only energizes your body but also improves flexibility and posture, leaving you feeling invigorated and empowered.

6. Attain Balance

Reaching your peak pose, Tree Pose, you'll find balance, both physically and mentally. This pose challenges your stability, enhancing concentration and focus.

7. Wind Down and Recover

After the intense flow, it's essential to wind down and allow your body to recover. Balasana (Child's Pose) and Gentle Windshield Wipers help release tension, stretch your back, and promote relaxation.

8. Final Relaxation

Ending the session with Savasana, you'll experience deep relaxation and a moment of calm. This final pose allows your body to absorb the benefits of the practice and integrate the energy you've cultivated.

In just 20 minutes, this Sunny Mat Yoga Flow led by Claire Jenkins offers a holistic approach to enhancing your well-being. From breathwork to dynamic movement and relaxing poses, this routine is a perfect blend of invigoration and rejuvenation. Incorporating this energizing yoga routine into your daily or weekly regimen can help you boost your energy levels, improve flexibility, and achieve a sense of inner balance. So, roll out your Sunny Mat, flow through these sequences, and feel fantastic. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more fitness inspiration!


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