Total Body Kettlebell Workout - Strength Training Circuit | 20 Minutes

A 20-minute full-body kettlebell workout with Sam Candler, an intermediate-level workout designed to target your upper body, lower body, and core.

2 min read


Total Body Kettlebell Workout - Strength Training Circuit | 20 Minutes




Are you ready to challenge your entire body and build some serious strength? Look no further than this 20-minute full-body kettlebell workout with Sam Candler, an intermediate-level workout designed to target your upper body, lower body, and core. All you need is a kettlebell and some open space, so let's get started.

Workout Length

20 minutes

Workout Level


Products Used

NO. 066-15


Sam Candler


Workout Details


Inchworm push-ups: Begin in a standing position and hinge forward at your hips, walking your hands out into a plank position. Perform a push-up and walk your hands back to your feet, standing up straight.

Deep squat to forward fold: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and lower into a deep squat, keeping your chest lifted. Stand up straight and hinge forward at your hips into a forward fold, reaching for your toes.

Tall Kneeling overhead press: Kneel on the ground with your knees hip-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Hold the kettlebell with both hands at shoulder height and press it overhead, engaging your core and glutes.

Kettlebell deadlifts: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold the kettlebell in both hands between your legs. Hinge forward at your hips and lower the kettlebell to the ground, then stand up straight and squeeze your glutes at the top.


Single arm kettlebell deadlifts + clean and overhead press: Perform 10 single arm kettlebell deadlifts with your right hand, then do one clean and five overhead presses with the same arm. Repeat on the left side. Continue this pattern, alternating sides, until you have completed five sets on each side.

Single arm rows + offset push-ups: Perform 10 single arm rows with your right hand, then do five offset push-ups with your right hand on the kettlebell and your left hand on the ground. Repeat on the left side. Continue this pattern, alternating sides, until you have completed five sets on each side.


Knees to chest: Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest, hugging them in with your arms.

Supine twist: Keep your knees bent and drop them to the left side of your body, twisting your torso to the right. Hold for a few breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Left half kneeling hip flexor stretch: Kneel on your left knee with your right foot planted on the ground in front of you. Lean forward into your left hip to feel a stretch in your left hip flexor.

Left half kneeling hamstring stretch: From the same position, straighten your right leg and hinge forward at your hips to feel a stretch in your right hamstring.

Right half kneeling hip flexor stretch: Kneel on your right knee with your left foot planted on the ground in front of you. Lean forward into your right hip to feel a stretch in your right hip flexor.

Right half kneeling hamstring stretch: From the same position, straighten your left leg and hinge forward at your hips to feel a stretch in your left hamstring.

Congratulations on completing this challenging 20-minute kettlebell workout! Incorporate it into your regular routine to build strength and improve your overall fitness.


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