Intermediate Dynamic Cycle Workout | 20 Minutes

This dynamic ride will push your cardiovascular endurance and leg strength to the limit.

3 min read


Intermediate Dynamic Cycle Workout | 20 Minutes




Get ready for an exhilarating and challenging 20-minute cycling workout with Sunny Trainer, Dana Simonelli. This dynamic ride will push your cardiovascular endurance and leg strength to the limit. With a combination of tough hill intervals and flat road sprints, you're guaranteed to feel the burn by the end of this energizing workout.

Workout Length:

20 Minutes

Workout Level:


Product Used:



Dana Simonelli 

Workout Details:

-Start with a flat road, maintaining a pace of 90-100 revolutions per minute (rpm).

-Increase your speed gradually, pushing the rpm to 110-120.

-Decrease your speed slightly to 115 rpm.

-Further decrease your speed to 90-100 rpm.

-Push your speed again to 110-120 rpm.

-Lower your speed to 75-80 rpm.

-Transition to the 3rd position, riding out of the saddle at 75-80 rpm.

-Return to the saddle and increase your pace to 90-100 rpm.

-Increase the resistance while maintaining a pace of 75-80 rpm.

-Move to the 3rd position, riding out of the saddle at 75-80 rpm.

-Return to the saddle and maintain a pace of 90-100 rpm.

-Increase the resistance again while keeping your rpm at 75-80.

-Transition to the 3rd position, riding out of the saddle at 75-80 rpm.

-Return to the saddle and maintain a pace of 90-100 rpm.

-Increase the resistance once more while maintaining a pace of 75-80 rpm.

-Move to the 3rd position, riding out of the saddle at 75-80 rpm.

-Return to the saddle and maintain a pace of 90-100 rpm.

-Increase the resistance while keeping your rpm at 75-80.

-Increase the resistance further to 60-65 rpm.

-Transition to the 3rd position, riding out of the saddle at 60-65 rpm.

-Return to the saddle and increase your rpm to 70 or higher.

-Enter the recovery phase, maintaining a pace of 60-65 rpm.

-Move to the 3rd position, riding out of the saddle at 60-65 rpm.

-Return to the saddle, increase the resistance, and aim for 100 rpm.

-Perform in and out of the saddle tap backs, counting to 8 each time.

-Continue with in and out of the saddle tap backs, counting to 8.

-Transition to in and out of the saddle tap backs, counting to 2.

-Increase the resistance while maintaining a pace of 70 rpm.

-Increase the resistance further, ride out of the saddle at 70 rpm.

-Return to the saddle and maintain a pace of 70 rpm.

-Increase the resistance again, ride out of the saddle at 70 rpm.

-Return to the saddle and maintain a pace of 70 rpm.

-Maintain the resistance but decrease your speed to 60-65 rpm.

-Transition to the 3rd position, increasing the resistance by 3 turns.

-Return to the saddle and maintain your speed.

-Move to the 3rd position, increasing the resistance by 4 turns.

-Return to the saddle and maintain your speed.

-Decrease the resistance and increase your speed to 75 rpm.

-Transition to the 2nd position.

-Transition to the 3rd position.

-Return to the 2nd position.

-Return to the 3rd position.

-Perform a push in the saddle, aiming for 95 rpm.

-Transition to the 2nd position.

-Transition to the 3rd position.

-Return to the 2nd position.

-Return to the 3rd position.

-Perform a push in the saddle, aiming for 95 rpm.

-Transition to the 2nd position.

-Transition to the 3rd position.

-Return to the 2nd position.

-Perform a push in the saddle, increasing your rpm to 95-115.

-Final push, aiming for 115 rpm.

-Enter the recovery phase.

Congratulations on completing this challenging 20-minute dynamic cycle workout with Sunny Trainer Dana! You've pushed your limits, challenged your cardio, and strengthened your legs. Take a moment to cool down and recover from this intense session, and don't forget to stretch your muscles afterwards. Great job!

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1 comment


Thanks for the excellent workout Dana. I’m an advanced cyclist and in the winter need all the SunnyFitness cycle workouts to get me ready for spring. Your workout had me sweating and gasping the way a top workout always does. Thanks for being an excellent trainer!